Friday, September 13, 2013

Give me all of it: The Urban Decay Edition.

Makeup has always been one of my vices, not just any makeup, but mostly Urban Decay. The minute I see new products, I feel like the seagulls in Finding Nemo. MINE MINE MINE MINE.

My sister was here visiting recently and sat begging for one of my (barely) used Ammo palettes...and as much as I love her. NOPE, not happening. Sorry, pal.

The reason for this babble is because.. HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW URBAN DECAY PRODUCTS? Ughhh, I want. I NEED them all.

Included in the new releases are Ocho Loco 2 & Black Market, which are both 24/7 eye pencil sets, Heavy Metal which is a set of glitter eyeliners, and 2 palettes, Vice 2 and the Shattered Face Case.

 Check out the pictures and increase your need for them also!

Ocho Loco 2 - $59.00

Black Market - $36.00

Heavy Metal - $19.00 each

Shattered Face Case - $44.00

andddd my biggest want, the Vice 2 palette $59.00

Are there any that you just need to have? Have you fallen in love with any other fall collections?

1 comment:

  1. I learn so much about make-up from you! I can't wait until you can do it to my face! lol! Thank you for sharing! <3
